27 06 2023 05:04 PM
By service, Swami Vivekananda meant not only professional service but also all types of social action for all-around social welfare. Social reform and social work are all included in his doctrine of service. The major point in this doctrine is that we are to worship God in man by rendering service to the latter.
He coined the word Daridranarayana, God in the form of the poor-and asked us to serve him. "Where should you go to seek God? Are not all the poor, the miserable, the weak, Gods? Why not worship them first?' He believed that this type of service is doubly beneficial. If we worship God in the temple the whole service is practically a loss whereas in this kind of worship at least the sufferings will be physically reduced.
His meditation in Kanyakumari sitting the last rock brought certain convictions in him regarding his future plan of work. In that hour of inspiration, he found his. Mission clear. He was to cross the seas and spread the light for the good of the world. Nay, there was something more. He was also to sacrifice his life for the sake of his poor countrymen.
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